© SL Ross Environmental Research Limited 2023
Countermeasures assessment
SL Ross specializes in oil spill countermeasures. We have investigated virtually every aspect of oil spill
countermeasures in the laboratory and in the field. Three particular areas of expertise are in situ burning, dispersant
use, and countermeasures for Arctic applications. We also have considerable experience in equipment for shoreline
cleanup and disposal, sorbent testing and evaluation, and numerous studies on the behaviour of oil spills.
SL Ross has developed a systematic and quantitative approach for evaluating countermeasures effectiveness for
specific applications.
Evaluation of Countermeasures to Respond
to Oil Spills
SL Ross has gained valuable experitise in evaluating spill
countermeasures preparedness and ability for specific areas, and in
making recommendations to upgrade existing capabilities. Engineers at
SL Ross are eminently qualified to provide such advice, each with over 25
years of experience in oil spill control methods and the completion of
over 40 major evaluation studies for numerous government, oil company
and industry spill response co-operative clients with marine oil
production or transportation responsibilities.
Assessment methods used at SL Ross employ a highly quantitative
approach involving analysis of detailed spill scenarios based on the
client's oil spill risks and concerns. Our methodology is first to estimate
what the cleanup efficiencies might be, assuming the operation were to
involve best-practicable, state-of-the-art capabilities used efficiently
under the prevailing spill and environmental conditions. The process is
repeated by considering the existing or desired capability. By
quantitatively comparing the two cases, correctable deficiencies are
identified, leading to recommendations on equipment and vessel
acquisitions, contingency planning and training.
There is a high degree of client satisfaction with the SL Ross quantitative
approach to countermeasures capability assessment. Compared with
traditional qualitative approaches it is an objective assessment that can
provide a rational and defensible basis for equipment purchase
In-Situ Burning
In-situ burning (ISB) of marine oil spills continues to be a major area of
interest and activity at SL Ross Environmental Research. After many years
of research and debate, ISB is finally being recognised as a valuable
response tool. Laboratory and field experiments on operational aspects
and smoke emissions have led to significant advances in obtaining
regulatory approvals for burning. This level of acceptance has been
facilitated by the considerable amount of ground-breaking research and
development in ISB by SL Ross.
To date, the company has completed more than 50 in-situ burning
studies in the areas of:
Fundamental research on the processes underlying ISB
Developing simple and reliable ignition systems
Burning emulsified oil
Developing rugged fire boom
Burning in waves and ice conditions
Soot production
Smoke suppression
Developing test protocols for fire booms
Writing technical handbooks and reviews
Writing contingency plans involving ISB
Quantitative technology assessments for specific geographic areas
Seminars and training
A major area of activity at SL Ross relates to the use of chemical
dispersants to treat marine oil spills.
Over 50 studies specifically on the subject of oil spill dispersants have
been completed, and training courses have been given on the subject.
Dozens of other studies at SL Ross have involved a dispersant-related
component; these mostly related to the practical aspect of designing or
evaluating countermeasures systems for specific areas or applications.
Arctic Experience
SL Ross professionals are particularly familiar with spill issues associated
with operations in the Arctic and in ice infested waters. Of particular
relevance is our experience in both the American and Canadian portions
of the Beaufort Sea, where we have handled the oil spill issues for several
Drilling Program Approval submissions and Environmental Impact
Statements and prepared several spill contingency plans. As well, SL Ross
professionals have carried out numerous field experiments involving the
study and cleanup of oil spilled in Arctic and ice-affected waters.